Redesigning Changed the Future of Lawless Jerky Brand

Redesigning Changed the Future of Jerky Brand
A redesign changes the future of a brand. Lawless Jerky is a true craft. Like every brand needs a design for its package. Lady Lawless also needed a redesign. Lady Lawless is a brand that combines traditional techniques and modern creativity. Tolnick paid a cartoonist 100 dollars to make a cover for their brand package. It was a lady justice peeking beneath her blindfold. Lady Justice may be blind but our amiable Lady Lawless peeks through the blindfold. Even with the simple package design Lawless Jerky made sales of millions of dollars. For five years the company kept progressing but later the founders thought for a change. They thought to change the cover for their brand package.
Idea of Lady Lawless Character of lawless Jerky Brand
- Matt Tolnick :
According to Matt Tolnick she was inspirited by a poster print he saw in frame shop. Most of the part was fine for their cover package. People who would not know about beef jerky would like their brand and products. They would like their brand t-shirts. Some people would even think it as a band t-shirts. But, a feedback came from a retailer that zoomed in image of a blindfold lady could be a symbol of female slavery or misery. Lady Lawless has always been thought as a proud, iron-willed and brave more like our Brave flavor. So re brand was necessary at that time.
- Dan Kaplan :
According to Dan Kaplan their supporters have always support them with their feed backs. We have tried our best to improve the quality and changing the packaging by making it even better.
Lady lawless appears to be more iron-willed, strong and brave. The new bag contains a mark for people who check the bag closely. They merged the bag with the new logo they made. They improved the image of lady lawless and also changed the layout. Just by changing the cover of package changed the future of lawless jerky.