Magento Requirements: Steps Required for an Upgrade
Every open source or paid software and application have its own compatibility and system requirement to run the application smooth and efficiently over internet or at its targeted area.
Here Magento is also like that its built on PHP technologies using Zend Framework with well manner modular structure to make the things easier. Its vast and huge application to make the ecommerce merchants life easier.
Magento Requirements
Here are the system requirement which can guide you how you have to configure your system to run Magento eCommerce website.
Operating System Support for Magento
1. Linux x86, x86-64
2. Windows server on WAMP and XAMPP
Magento supported Web Servers
Apache 1.3x to Apache Latest 2.2x
Magento runs well on nginx for Magento 1.7 to Enterprise latest version
Magento PHP Compatibility
5.2.13 to latest PHP version
PHP Extension Required to be enabled on web server
Below php extension must have to be installed and enabled with php.ini in order to run Magento, if below extension are not enabled then there are chances Magento will not allow you to install on web server.
SOAP – To integrate your web store with third party applications
Safe_Mode = off
Memory Limit = 256MB minimum
Magento MySQL Requirement
MySQL 5.0.2 and newer for Enterprise Edition 1.13
MySQL 4.1.20 or newer for Enterprise Edition 1.12 and Magento Community Edition
SSL- Secure Socket Layer
SSL is required for any eCommerce stores also if you want https to be enabled for the admin and with customer and checkout in frontend then it’s required to have verified SSL configured on your web server for your website. Also self-signed SSL certificates not support with Magento.
Your Web Server Hosting Setup
- Your hosting must have facility to run and schedule cron script to update currencies and taxes automatically also its help to run some schedule job for log cleaning and other stuffs periodically.
- Also you must have read and write permission to override .htaccess rules.
Preferable Hosting Environment
- Nexcess.Com – Dedicated and Shared Server both are compatible with Magento – SSH supported for the dedicated server on request.
- Rackspace.Com is dedicated cloud support run well for Magento – SSH supported
- Amazon EC2 – is the best could server for Magento with dedicated access to perform all kind of activities using SSHAbove are the configuration which will run your Magento eCommerce Website smoothly and rapidly to give better user experience with faster page loading.If you are still not clear that our Expert Magento Consultant available to provide you better idea related to your server and Magento setup.