Xtend City-Link Magento Integration allows you to set up and synchronize a wealth of product types, pricing information and product data with ease and reliability, leaving competitors in the dust. The product synchronization provides an extra layer of protection with its variance detection. With separate systems, the customer may lose money due to discrepancies in tax and shipping and handling calculations. With the Xtend City-Link Magento integration, the two systems are automatically matched and the order will not go through if the two prices vary, leaving you confident that price variances will never appear again.
The duo system for the Xtend City-Link Margento Connector is also incredibly flexible and customizable for your own personal needs. If there is ever a problem with the order, there will be a global notification. With a click, it will lead you straight to the panel where the problem exists. As soon as the problem has been cleared, the order will proceed. Although this system provides complex outputs, it is very user friendly. Many of the labor-intensive processes are automatic, leaving the user hassle and worry free. However, records of activities can be easily accessed so that you can monitor exactly what has been done and you can modify or reverse it as desired.
With over 1,000,000 sq feet of space, 95% of our volume is in fashion logistics, apparel fulfillment and accessories fulfillment. About 60% of that volume is still traditional B to B, where our clients sell to specialty stores and boutiques as well as major department stores. Another 30% consists of direct to consumer and e-commerce fulfillment. The remaining 10% of our Xtend City-Link Logistics Magento distribution is for our client-owned retail stores.